TelChem ThioChlor
Description The compound is a reducing agent and a ligand, which underpin its applications, chlorine reducing agent, common neutraliser.
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Description The compound is a reducing agent and a ligand, which underpin its applications, chlorine reducing agent, common neutraliser.
Description 89% Trichloro Isocyanuric Acid Slow release chlorine tablets for the control of bacteria and algae in water.
Description Total Coolant Premix HD is a high performing coolant, antifreeze and is free of silicates, borates, phosphates, nitrates a...
View full detailsDescription Trichloroisocyanuric Acid Highly concentrated chlorine compound (89% available chlorine) Used in industrial and domestic ...
View full detailsDescription Water softener salt improves your car washes' water quality by removing the ions that make water hard. Convenient 20 kg bag.